Page 282 - DNBI_A01.QXD
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British Airways 148 contacts 188 INDEX
Burns, Paul 6 Contrarotator 3
business-focused criteria 14, 177–84 conventional career 190, 191
business plan 18, 163 conventional thinking 11, 66–7, 77–8
see also planning for implementation as block to implementation 211–14
business process, 111, 142–4 challenged 21–2
business start-up convergent thinking 17, 110, 176
actively managing 52
financing see finance/funding creativity and 35–55
survival rate 6, 18–19, 182–3, 184 divergent thinking and see whole-
Tees Valley study 63, 125, 184
buyer chain 90, 92–3 brain thinking
buyers 57–61 IKEA case study 52–5
appeals to 90, 94–6 rules of 50–1, 72–3
Buzan, Tony 135 Cook, Scott 81, 91–2, 195
copyright 181
C5 8, 26–8 core users 72, 80–1
Caktiong, Tony Tan 217, 220, 243–7 costs, conventional 218
Calahan, Edward 154 Crate and Barrel 10, 85
Canon Mini-Copier 137 creative capacity of questions 73–7
car market 92, 197 creative procrastination zone 64–5, 67,
car wash (hot wax) 7–8, 75
career risk 189–90 70, 124
Carphone Warehouse 86–7, 122–3 creativity 5, 11, 67 197
Carson, John 128–9 divergent-convergent thinking 38–9,
cash-burn 8 41–3
cash flow 182, 229–30
certainty 19–20 education and 36–7
Chang, Jae 200, 201 four Ps of 25–6, 50, 132
charging policy 238 front-loaded 11, 33–4, 177
checklists 14, 111, 114–18 idea development process and 29–56
Cheerios 80 importance of 33–7
Clark’s Law of Revolutionary Ideas 22 inspiration and 108–9
Clays (printing company) 143 mental workouts 110–14
clockwork radio 11, 23, 97 reconnection with 37–41
clusters/clustering 98, 151, 174–5 whole-brain thinking 41, 43–55
coarse screen 14, 164, 166–70, 178–9, criteria
business-focused 14, 177–84
199 grid 14, 166–8, 170–1
Cobra beer 15, 159–63, 168, 178, 181–3, person-focused 14, 177, 185–92
Critical Path Analysis 239
187, 219–20, 225, 228, 231 critical success factors 58, 180–1, 211
Coca-Cola 217 Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly 63–4
Cockerell, Sir Christopher 210 cube-crawling 111, 128–9
Coffee Republic 10, 22, 85 customer journey 111, 117–18, 122–3
coffee shops 10, 21–2, 85, 173, 185, 215 customers 211, 215–17
Cold Fusion Sports, Inc. 237 see also buyers
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 108
combinations (mental workout) 111, Davidson, Carolyn 31
Davis product development list 111,
combine 115–16, 236 114
commitment 15, 195–6, 226–7 Davy, Humphrey 155
competition 179–80, 211, 220 De Bono, Edward 148
competitive advantage 21–2 decision-making 62, 64–6
complementary products/services 90, 93 decision balance sheet 173–6
components 111, 147–8 Dell, Michael 217, 231, 238
Dell Computers 118, 150, 196, 217, 231