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Duct Tape Marketing
Add the Social Bios ( service to your
directory so visitors can see who you mutually know in
common social networks.
That should get you started, but expand your thinking beyond
these action steps for greater exposure.
5 Social Media Hacks for Authentic Automation
One of the biggest dilemmas facing those using social technology as a
business tool is the balance between authentic participation and auto-
mation for the sake of saving time. On one end, there are certainly
tools and services that can actually take care of all of your social media
participation and automate the process of posting your content to every
known social network. On the other end is the desire to create personal
engagement and a brand-building community through one-to-one
content creation and participation. The first certainly lacks a human
touch, and the latter can suck up too much time. In my mind, the
perfect balance lies somewhere in between—the place where tools can
be employed to facilitate intent and leverage time while still adding
personal attention.
Here are five social media hacks that allow personal engagement
fused with the use of tools that make it easier to do more.
1. StumbleUpon
StumbleUpon is my secret content weapon. It’s essentially a social
bookmarking site that allows people to bookmark and find interesting
stuff. There’s a very unique approach with StumbleUpon that makes
it such a great tool, though. Once you create an account, you can pick
categories of content that interest you or that may interest your read-
ers. Then you install the StumbleUpon browser toolbar, and anytime