Page 79 - The Magic of Tiny Business
P. 79

Part II   Let Your “Why” Speak

      “E  very transition which I’ve sought in life has
       taken me eighteen months with clear focus to get

                       — Drew Lehman, Environmental and
                          Workplace Entrepreneur

    Instead of going wide into the unknown, I chose to go
deep into the somewhat known. I went in the direction of
where our brand was already getting love. I picked the
natural products trade shows since I already had entrée
through our distributor.

    How do you measure the return on investment when
you don’t know the potential range of return? I had to go
back to a few rules I’d set up. I took time to break down
the trade show opportunity into small bits and pieces. I
made an honest review of all my resources, funds, and
inventory. And as I was about to release the check, I had
an idea for how to keep the cash, expand my brand, and
pay for our booth space in one fell swoop.

    I contacted the show office, offering to barter custom-
printed bags at full price as show promo marketing in
exchange for booth space. It was a new idea then; now, it’s
an established income stream. They said yes, so I set out
for my first trade show.


     As a Tiny Business in start-up mode or in
     full swing, never underestimate the value

        of seeking out or asking for visibility.


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