Page 78 - The Magic of Tiny Business
P. 78

Chapter Four   Listen to Your Tiny Voice

Think Differently
When we launched ECOBAGS, we gained traction right
away. Sales took off immediately. But the larger market-
place for our goods was still very sleepy (read: low sales
volume), and we knew how big the potential for growth
was. Initial sales had been “attraction” sales, as in “build it
and they will come,” but we were moving past that honey-
moon stage. Now I had to go out and find more buyers,
make more connections, and connect more dots. Not
familiar with “push” sales and with no desire to do busi-
ness that way, I was lost.

    On the marketing side, I had a compelling story and
the love of early adopters. On the operational side, I had
beautifully designed and made goods. But the cash regis-
ter needed to ring much more often. It was time for this
Tiny Business to pick up the pace and gain momentum.

    The scope of what needed to happen was overwhelm-
ing. I was tested to the point where I quit the business a
few times and even took a part-time job . . . briefly. I quit
that too! Refreshed after my mini break, I continued.
Nothing happens fast, anyway.


             It takes time to create value.


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