Page 74 - The Magic of Tiny Business
P. 74

Chapter Four   Listen to Your Tiny Voice

writer initially found me because our brand was featured
on a major TV show (more on that in the next chapter).
This is just one connection that has played out over a
decade. There have been many more.

    On a practical note, make and keep your marketing
brand assets (everything about you and your business)
organized and ready for use. Below is a starter list of
things you want to have ready. Have all assets in editable
form or in multiple forms so that you can easily customize
or send assets out with a cover letter.

Brand Assets to Always Have On Hand
    ®	 Your complete LinkedIn profile
    ®	 Two-sentence summary describing yourself and
       your company
    ®	 Short bio: 125–150 words
    ®	 Long bio: 300 words
    ®	 Professional headshot in high- and low-res formats
    ®	 Alternative images that can be released to PR and
       media in high- and low-res formats
    ®	 All social media handles and website
    ®	 Complete list of your and your company’s awards
       and recognitions
    ®	 Brand guidelines

Give to Get (Visibility)
I’ve been invited to donate product and time to organiza-
tions of all sizes. When you donate as an individual to an

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