Page 75 - The Magic of Tiny Business
P. 75

Part II   Let Your “Why” Speak

organization, it’s because it makes you feel good. When
you give as a Tiny Business, you feel good and it provides
multiple ways to create mutually beneficial relationships.

    One thing is true of most organizations: they are hun-
gry for funding, and they are happy to receive whatever
they can for free. What they offer is visibility to their sup-
porters. But for this to work for your Tiny Business, you
have to place a real monetary value on what you’re giving.
Negotiate a trade for visibility versus just giving it away.

    When considering a donation or sponsorship:
    ®	 Put a market value on your goods or services.
    ®	 Negotiate on a full or partial value exchange

       (e.g., tickets to the event, advertisement in the
       program, use of their email marketing list, etc.).
    ®	 Get a donation letter for the IRS with value stated.
    ®	 Ensure visibility:
       u	 Web links and logos on the event website
       u	 Logo and write-up in the program
       u	 Shout-out at the event
       u	 Logo placement on promotional items
       u	 Brand literature to be given out with promo-

          tional items
       u	 Social media mentions (by you and the organiza-

          tion you are donating to)
    ®	 Approve all text and brand/logo use before it goes

       to print.

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