Page 76 - The Magic of Tiny Business
P. 76

Chapter Four   Listen to Your Tiny Voice

    ®	 Get sample assets (e.g., programs and other places
       your brand appears) for your files.

                   Listen to Connect

Let’s talk about connections a bit more.
    As a new business owner, you’ve just joined an ecosys-

tem. You now have relationships with customers, suppli-
ers, and possibly subcontractors such as tech support,
graphic design, legal, and accounting. If you don’t need
money-access relationships (e.g., loans and credit lines)
yet, you will soon. And here’s the thing about everyone
you’re working with:


            You need them and they need
                  you to do business.


    It’s not always a level playing field—who needs who
more—but it is an interconnected system of goods and

    With Eco-Bags Products, we knew we were onto an
opportunity for a powerful brand and growth, even
though we were still tiny. With limited resources and a
young family at home, the next step was to figure out how
to connect to more of our tribe with efficiency and speed.

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