Page 75 - The 7 Day Startup: You Don’t Learn Until You Launch -
P. 75
A Suggested Basic Marketing Funnel
Since you’ve already begun your marketing, it’s useful to think about how you
will be signing up customers.
I’ll go into detail about how you will market your business in Day 5. For now,
though, I’ll suggest a basic marketing funnel as a starting point.
A marketing funnel is the process by which someone will become a customer.
One that works well in a lot of cases is:
Customer visits your website and “opts in” by handing over their email
address in return for a freebie that helps solve a problem they have.
Over time you send them useful information about that problem.
When they are ready to buy, they visit your payment page and purchase.
For this to work, you really only need three things:
1. A page that collects email addresses. As mentioned above, “Coming Soon”
can do this for a launch page. Or you can use an opt in plugin like our
plugin ConvertPress.com24 for other parts of the site.
2. A system you can use to email people. I use Infusionsoft.com25, but
MailChimp.com26 is a great free solution for a new business and
getdrip.com27 is a good lightweight automation option.
3. A page where you can sell your product/service.
This is the basic funnel my team uses across all of our businesses, so it can work
for a new business idea all the way through to an established company.
I’ve covered the steps for setting up the email opt-in above, so now I’ll look at
the steps for creating your payment page.
PayPal is still by far the easiest way to get online payments happening quickly.