Page 126 - The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage
P. 126

your	health.	But	here’s	the	catch—YOU	HAVE	TO	DO	IT.	And	believe	me,	I	get
it.	I	loathe	exercise,	especially	if 	it’s	cold	or	raining	outside.	I	hate	it	as	much	as	I
hate	getting	out	of 	bed.	Without	the	#5SecondRule,	I’d	never	do	it.

    Why	is	getting	healthy	so	hard?	You	already	know	the	answer—your	feelings.	If
you	feel	deprived	of 	bread,	you	won’t	stick	to	your	gluten-free	diet.	The	second	you
consider	 how	 you	 feel	 about	 eating	 salad	 for	 the	 next	 113	 days,	 you’ll	 convince
yourself 	not	to	do	it.	The	moment	you	scan	today’s	CrossFit	workout	and	consider
how	 you	 feel	 about	 doing	 three	 sets	 of 	 45	 burpees	 with	 a	 bunch	 of 	 people	 in	 a
parking	lot—you	won’t	feel	like	walking	out	the	door	and	going.

    Will	 sticking	 to	 a	 diet	 make	 you	 happy?	 Absolutely.	 Will	 seeing	 your	 friends	 at
CrossFit	 and	 working	 out	 make	 you	 happy?	 You	 better	 believe	 it	 will.	 Just	 ask
Melanie,	who	had	trouble	getting	“off 	the	damn	couch”	before	finding	the	Rule.
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