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160  P a r t I I I Managing Your YouTube Videos

Removing a Video from YouTube

   When a video has run its course, you can remove it from the YouTube site; other-
   wise, it stays online forever (or until YouTube goes out of business, whichever
   comes first).

   To remove a video from YouTube, click the down arrow next to your name at the
   top of any YouTube page and then select My Videos. When the list of your videos
   appears, check those videos you want to remove and then click the Delete button.
   It’s that simple.


     Think twice before you click the Delete button. YouTube permanently
     deletes all the videos you remove. You have to re-upload the video if you
     click the Delete button by mistake.

The Big Picture

   Assuming that you prepared your video properly, uploading a video file to YouTube
   is a simple task. The hardest part is filling in all the blanks. It’s important to write a
   catchy title and detailed description, as well as to choose tags and keywords that
   viewers might use to search for your video.

   When you upload your video to YouTube, approach it in the same way you would
   create a print advertisement. You have to create a compelling headline (title) and a
   “why to buy” and “how to buy” description. Then you have to select the best place
   to market your ad/video (category), and the best keywords to get your video notice
   (tags). This isn’t a job to do at the last minute without any preparation; you want
   your best marketing people working on the textual part of your YouTube videos.
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