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C h a p t e r 1 3 Uploading Your Videos to YouTube  155

   Figure 13.2 Click the Upload Video button to select a file to upload.

   You now see the Select File(s) to Upload window. Navigate to and select the desired
   video file you want to upload and then click the Open button. YouTube begins to
   upload the selected file—which, depending on the file size, might take a bit of time.


        It can take several minutes to upload a large video, especially over a slow
        Internet connection. There is additional processing time involved after the
        upload is complete, while YouTube converts the uploaded video to its own
        format and adds it to the YouTube database.

Entering Information About Your Video

   As your file uploads, YouTube displays the Video File Upload page, shown in Figure
   13.3. The upload progress is displayed at the top of this page.

Figure 13.3 Entering information about your video.
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