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C h a p t e r 1 9 Tracking Performance  209

Tracking Views, Ratings, and Comments

   Some of the most important metrics can be found directly under the video player
   on each video page, as shown in Figure 19.1. Just go to the page for the video you
   want to track, and look at the key metrics there—views, likes/dislikes, and com-

   Figure 19.1 Viewing views, ratings, and comments.

Measuring Views

   The most important metric is the views number—literally, how many times your
   video was viewed. This number appears directly beneath the video player on the
   video page.
   When it comes to judging this basic performance, how many views is a good num-
   ber? That’s hard to say. Certainly, if your video gets a million views overnight, you’re
   doing something right—that’s pure viral status. But, for certain types of videos and
   businesses, a total of 100 views might be good. (For example, if you’re selling high-
   priced real estate.) You have to judge performance based on your own parameters,
   and with realistic expectations.


        It’s particularly useful to compare views for all the videos in your library.
        Although raw numbers might not tell you much, comparative numbers tell
        you which of your videos are performing best and which might need to be

   In my mind, however, raw views is a false measurement. Just because your video has
   a lot of viewers doesn’t mean that it has accomplished the goals you set out to
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