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C h a p t e r 2 2 Advertising Your YouTube Videos  251

If you bid way too low, your ad simply won’t appear for a given keyword. And if you
consistently bid too low on keywords, you won’t generate enough traffic to make
your campaign profitable—and thus reduce your campaign’s return on investment

On the other hand, if you consistently bid too high on keywords, you’ll spend more
advertising funds than you need to—and also reduce your ROI. That’s why you
need to figure out how to bid the right amount—neither too high or too low—to
strike the right balance between traffic and cost; this will maximize your ROI for a
given campaign.

This means you need to go through a little trial-and-error, and be prepared to
adjust your bids over the course of a campaign. If you find yourself being con-
stantly outbid on a desired keyword, you’ll need to raise your maximum CPC for
that keyword. If, on the other hand, your ad gets displayed too many times for your
daily budget (that is, if you run through your budget before each day is half over),
you can lower your maximum CPC for that keyword, so you don’t overpay.

In any case, after you’ve set your maximum CPC, click the Next button.

Confirming the Promotion

   YouTube now displays the Confirm Promotion page, shown in Figure 22.8. If you
   like what you see, click the Okay, Run My Promotion button. This gets the cam-
   paign started.

   Figure 22.8 Confirming a Promoted Videos campaign.

Using the Promoted Videos Dashboard

   You track the performance of and manage your promoted videos from the
   Promoted Videos Dashboard, located at As you can see in
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