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252  Part IV Promotion and Monetization

Figure 22.9, this Dashboard displays key information about your current cam-

   Figure 22.9 The Promoted Videos Dashboard.

Examining Key Metrics

   The Promoted Videos Dashboard displays key metrics for all your campaigns in
   total. Here’s what’s tracked:

       • Impressions: The number of times your Promoted Videos ads were displayed.
       • Clicks: The total number of clicks your Promoted Videos ads received.
       • CTR: The click-through-rate, calculated as clicks divided by impressions.
       • Average CPC: The average cost for each click made on your ads.
       • Total cost: The total cost for all the clicks on your ads.
   Obviously, the more impressions and clicks your ads receive, the better. You also
   want a high CTR, which indicates that viewers find your ads relevant and worth
   checking out.

Analyzing Individual Video Performance

   As noted, the Dashboard by default displays aggregate data for all your Promoted
   Videos ads. You can, however, display this same data for each individual ad. All you
   have to do is click the ad’s name in the My Promotions list; this displays the
   Promotion Detail page, shown in Figure 22.10.
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