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Yo u Tu b e P r o m o t e d V i d e o s     289

    YouTube Promoted Videos                 websites
        budgets, 247, 254                       company sites. See company websites, 264
        CPC (cost-per-click), 250-251           including in videos, 149-150
        CPM (cost-per-thousand), 244
        creating, 246-251                   “Will It Blend?,” 58
        defined, 244
        explained, 245-246                  Williams-Sonoma, 52
        keywords, 249-250
        PPC (pay-per-click), 244-245        Windows Live Movie Maker, 124-125
        Promoted Videos Dashboard, 251-254
                                            Windows Media Video (WMV), 75
VideoStudio (Ulead), 130
                                            wireless mics, 100
VIDEOzilla, 77
                                            WMV (Windows Media Video), 75
viewers, 8-9
    blocking from leaving comments, 175     .wmv extension, 75
    directing to company websites, 262-263
                                            Write Your Promotion page, 248-249
    channels, 180                                      X-Y-Z
    likes/dislikes, 210
                                            Xilisoft Video Converter, 77
    measuring, 209-210                      Xvid file format, 75
    metrics, 212-213
    optimizing for search, 241              Yahoo! Video, 234

Views tab (Insight page), 212-213           YouTube
                                                co-existing with television marketing, 66
Vimeo, 234                                          extending and expanding, 67
                                                    repurposing, 67
viral videos, 19, 60-61                             starting fresh, 68
                                                history of, 6
vlogs (video blogs), 33, 82, 101, 271               early days, 6
                                                    launch and acquisition of, 7
             W                                      today, 7-8
                                                size of, 1
wants of customers, 24                          viewers, 8-9

watching annotated videos, 166              YouTube Promoted Videos
                                                budgets, 247, 254
webcam videos                                   CPC (cost-per-click), 250-251
    explained, 79-81                            CPM (cost-per-thousand), 244
    shooting tips                               creating, 246-251
        background noise, 84                    defined, 244
        immediacy, 83                           explained, 245-246
        lighting, 84                            keywords, 249-250
        simplicity, 83-84                       PPC (pay-per-click), 244-245
    uploading to YouTube                        Promoted Videos Dashboard, 251
        live webcam video, 85-87                    analyzing individual video performance,
        video files, 85                               252-253
    when to use                                     editing bids, 254
        customer testimonials, 83                   editing promotion, 254
        responses to immediate issues, 82           examining key metrics, 252
        travel, 82                                  pausing, resuming, and deleting ads, 254
        video blogs, 82                             revising budget, 254
                                                    YouTube usage, 8
webcams, 142

.webm extension, 75
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