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288  videos

    thumbnail images, 225-227                   tips for better-looking videos
    traditional promotion, 233-234                  accentuate the contrast, 143
    uploading videos to other video-sharing         breaking rules, 146
                                                    hiring professionals, 145
      sites, 234                                    investing in quality equipment, 143
    video titles, 225                               look professional, 145
    videos that entertain, inform, or educate,      recycling and editing old videos, 145
                                                    shoot for smaller screens, 142
      224                                           shoot like a pro, 144
    with social media, 230-232                      slideshows, 145
measuring results of, 26                            slow and steady, 143
optimizing for search                               using multiple cameras, 144
    comments, 242
    descriptions, 241                           tips for generating sales
    embeds and links, 241                           include URLs in accompanying text, 151
    explained, 237-238                              include your website address, 149-150
    keywords, 238-239                               link from channel pages, 151
    ratings, 242
    tags, 239-240                               tips for improving content
    titles, 240                                     avoid the hard sell, 148
    views, 241                                      be entertaining, 146
pixels, 70                                          be informative, 146
product instruction videos, 50-51                   communicate a clear message, 148
professional videos                                 design for remixing, 149
    advantages of, 116                              humor, 147
    disadvantages of, 117                           keep it fresh, 149
    preparing for professional video shoots,        keep it short, 147
                                                    keep it simple, 148
      120-122                                       stay focused, 148
    shooting in studio, 118-119
    shooting on location, 119-120               titles, 225
project videos, 51-53                           uploading, 85-87, 234
purpose of, 22                                  video content, goals of, 27
recycling, 145
removing from YouTube, 160                          business video blogs, 33
resolution                                          company introductions, 33
    4K video, 71                                    company seminars and presentations, 34
    choosing, 72                                    customer testimonials, 33
    comparison of, 71-72                            executive speeches, 33
    high definition, 70                             expert presentations, 33
    standard definition, 70                         humorous spots, 34
    supported resolutions, 70-71                    infomercials, 29-30
semi-pro videos                                     instructional videos, 31
    informational videos, 102                       product presentations and demonstra-
    on-the-scene reports, 103
    product demonstrations, 102-103                   tions, 31
    shooting, 103-113                               real estate walk-throughs, 32-33
    transferring to PC for editing, 105             repurposed commercials, 27-28
    video blogs, 101                                user or employee submissions, 34
    when to use, 101                            video information, editing, 158-159
sharing with subscribers and friends,           viral videos, 60-61
  227-228                                       webcam videos
thumbnail images, 225-227                           explained, 79-81
                                                    shooting tips, 83-84
                                                    uploading to YouTube, 85-87
                                                    when to use, 82-83
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