Page 305 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 305

284       Record button

Record button, 86                                               S
Record from Webcam link, 85

Record Video from Webcam page, 85-86           sales
                                                   closing on company website, 264-265
recording videos. See shooting videos              direct sales, tracking, 220

recruiting, 17                                 Save Changes button, 87

recycling old videos, 145                      saving video files, 138

reinforcing existing relationships with B2B    scenes, inserting transitions between, 135-136
  marketing videos, 269
                                               screens, shooting for smaller screens, 142
relationships, reinforcing with B2B marketing
  videos, 269                                  scripts, 42

removing                                       SDTV (standard definition television), 70

    videos from YouTube, 160                   seamless backgrounds, 97-98
    viewer comments and responses, 175
                                               search engine optimization (SEO), 237
repurposed commercials, 27-28, 67
                                               search, optimizing videos for
RER Video Converter, 77                            comments, 242

resolution, 106                                    descriptions, 241
    4K video, 71                                   embeds and links, 241
    choosing, 72                                   explained, 237-238
    comparison of, 71-72                           keywords, 238-239
    high definition, 70                            ratings, 242
    standard definition, 70                        tags, 239-240
    supported resolutions, 70-71                   titles, 240
                                                   views, 241
    to immediate issues, 82                    Seattle Coffee Gear, 45

to negative comments, 175-176                  selecting files to upload, 154-155

responses, removing, 175                       semi-pro camcorders, 95-96

resuming ads, 254                              semi-pro videos

retail promotion, 13                           informational videos, 102
                                               on-the-scene reports, 103
revenues, generating from YouTube videos, 261  product demonstrations, 102-103
    closing sale on company website, 264-265   shooting
    creating videos with value, 262
    directing viewers to company website,          backgrounds, 108
      262-263                                      close-ups, 109
                                                   composition, 109-110
reviewing comments, 210                            digital video, 106
                                                   in office, 103-104
revising YouTube Promoted Videos budget, 254       lighting, 107
                                                   on location, 104-105
Revver, 234                                        microphones, 107
                                                   movement, 108-109
.rm extension, 75

Roller Babies ads, 59

Roxio Creator, 130                             resolution, 106
rule of thirds, 109-110                        rule of thirds, 109-110
running contests, 233                          shooting angles, 109
.rv extension, 75                              shooting to edit, 111
                                               subjects’ clothing and dress, 112-113
                                               teleprompters, 111-112

                                               tripods, 106
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