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measuring  281

              L                                        product demonstrations and walk-
                                                         throughs, 270
L cuts, 128
                                                       publicizing videos, 271
landing pages, 264-265                             brand awareness, 11-12
                                                   deciding if video is right for your business
letterboxing, 70
                                                       attracting eyeballs, 10
lighting                                               everybody’s doing it, 11
    for semi-pro videos, 107                           low-cost online marketing, 9
    in professional video shoots, 121-122          direct sales, 14
    in webcam videos, 84                           employee communications, 16
    lighting equipment, 97-98                      internal training, 15-16
                                                   marketing mix, formulating, 65
likes, viewing, 210                                product advertising, 12
                                                   product support, 14-15
linking                                            recruiting, 17
    from channel pages, 151                        retail promotion, 13
    to individual videos, 201                      strategies, 21
    to YouTube channel, 202                            defining YouTube’s role, 64
                                                       messages, 25
links, optimizing for search, 241                      online marketing activities, coordinating,

live webcam video, uploading, 85-87                      65-66
                                                       purpose of your video, 22
location shoots, 103-105, 119-120                      television marketing and YouTube, 66-68
                                                       what are you promoting, 24-25
lossless codecs, 73                                marketing videos
                                                       advertising, 235
lossy codecs, 73                                       attaching videos as video comments,

Lowe’s project videos, 52                                228-229
                                                       blog marketing, 229-230
              M                                        email marketing, 229
                                                       posting to other web forums, 230
M2Convert Professional, 77                             running contests, 233
                                                       sharing videos with subscribers and
makeup, 120-121
                                                         friends, 227-228
management message videos, 271                         targeted content, 225
                                                       thumbnail images, 225-227
Mantia, Bryan, 45                                      traditional promotion, 233-234
                                                       uploading videos to other video-sharing
marketing, 11
    B2B (business-to-business) marketing                 sites, 234
        advantages of, 268                             video titles, 225
        best practices, 271-273                        videos that entertain, inform, or educate,
        call to action, 273
        case studies and testimonials, 270               224
        conferences and events, 270-271                with social media, 230-232
        content, 273
        embedding YouTube videos on company    measuring
          website, 272                             effectiveness, 208
        explained, 267-268                             conversions, 219-220
        goals, 268-269                                 direct sales, 220
        providing after-sale support, 269-270          interactivity, 218
        how-to videos, 270                             traffic, 218-219
        management messages and video blogs,       results of videos, 26
          271                                      views, 209-210
        optimizing channel page, 272
        optimizing videos for search, 272
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