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converting  277

charge-coupled device (CCD), 90             Community tab (Insight page), 216

Chen, Steven, 6                             company introductions, 33

Choose Video page, 246                      company seminars, 34

choosing                                    company websites
    camcorders, 92-93                           closing sales on, 264-265
    file formats, 75-77                         directing viewers to, 262-263
    keywords, 238-239                           embedding YouTube videos on, 202-203
    resolution, 72                              landing pages, 264-265
    thumbnail images, 225-227                   linking to YouTube
    video-editing programs                          linking to individual videos, 201
        ArcSoftShowBiz DVD2, 128                    linking to YouTube channel, 202
        free programs, 124-126
        high-end programs, 130-133          composing shots, 109-110
        mid-level programs, 126-130
                                            compression (video), 73
close-ups, 109
                                            conference videos, 270-271
closing sales on company website, 264-265
                                            Confirm Promotion page, 251
clothing and dress in videos, 112-113
                                            confirming YouTube Promoted Videos, 251
Coca Cola, 188
                                            connecting with YouTube community, 192-193
codecs, 73                                      adding friends, 195
                                                bulletins, posting to subscribers, 193
Coldwell Banker, 32                             reading messages from friends, 196
                                                sending messages to friends, 195
colors for channels, 182-183
                                            consumer video equipment
comments, 171                                   digital camcorders
    approving, 173-174                              camcorder storage, 91-92
    attaching videos as video comments,             choosing, 92-93
      228-229                                       explained, 90-91
    blocking viewers from leaving, 175              mid-level camcorders, 94-95
    comment voting, 172                             pocket camcorders, 93
    embedding, 172                                  semi-pro camcorders, 95-96
    enabling, 170                                   standard versus high definition, 92
    negative comments, 174-176                  lighting, 97-98
    optimizing for search, 242                  microphones, 99
    ratings, 172                                seamless backgrounds, 97-98
    removing, 175                               tripods, 96
    reviewing, 210                              video-editing equipment, 100-101
    syndication, 173
    video responses, 172                    container format, 75

commercials                                 content
    infomercials, 29-30                         in B2B (business-to-business) marketing,
    repurposed commercials, 27-28                 273
                                                targeted content, 225
communications, employee communications,        videos that entertain, inform, or educate,
  16                                              224

community (YouTube)                         contests, 233
    bulletins, posting to subscribers, 193
    connecting with, 192-193                contrast, accentuating, 143
        adding, 195                         conversions, tracking, 219-220
        reading messages from, 196
        sending messages to, 195            converting
    metrics, 216                                file formats to YouTube format, 77
                                                video files, 138
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