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goals of video content                      279

email marketing, 229                                H.264, 74
                                                    MPEG-1, 74
Embed button, 202                                   MPEG-2, 74
                                                    MPEG-4, 75
embedding                                           MPEG-PS, 75
    comments, 172                                   QuickTime, 75
    YouTube videos on company website, 272          RealVideo, 75
    YouTube videos on company websites,             Windows Media Video (WMV), 75
      202-203                                       Xvid, 75
                                                uploading from your computer
embeds, optimizing for search, 241                  entering information about your video,

employee communications, 16                           155-158
                                                    selecting files to upload, 154-155
employee submissions, 34                            sharing options, 158

entertaining videos, 19, 58-61              Final Cut Express, 127-128

event videos, 270-271                       Final Cut Studio (Apple), 132

Evian, Roller Babies ads, 59                fine-tuning efforts, 208

executive speeches, 33                      flash memory storage, 92

expert presentations, 33                    Flash Video, 74

extensions                                  Flip Video, 93
    .3gpp, 74
    .3gpp2, 74                              Flixya, 234
    .avi, 74
    .divx, 74                               Fluval, 51
    .dv, 74
    .flv, 74                                .flv extension, 74
    .mov, 75
    .mp4, 74-75                             Food for Life TV, 43
    .mpeg, 74
    .mpg, 74                                Ford, 186
    .qt, 75
    .rm, 75                                 free video-editing programs
    .rv, 75                                     Apple iMovie, 125-126
    .webm, 75                                   Windows Live Movie Maker, 124-125
    .wmv, 75
    .xvid, 75                               friends
                                                adding, 195
external microphones, 99, 107                   reading messages from, 196
                                                sending messages to, 195
              F                                 sharing videos with, 227-228

Facebook, 230                               future activities, planning, 208

files                                                     G
    file formats
        3GP, 74                             Gallagher, Mitch, 44
        Audio Video Interleave, 74
        choosing, 75-77                     GData API (GoogleData Application
        comparison of, 73-75                  Programming Interface), 204
        container format, 75
        converting to YouTube format, 77    goals of video content, 27
        Digital Video (DV), 74                  business video blogs, 33
        DivX, 74                                company introductions, 33
        Flash Video, 74                         company seminars and presentations, 34
                                                customer testimonials, 33
                                                executive speeches, 33
                                                expert presentations, 33
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