Page 306 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 306

tips  285

    transferring to PC for editing, 105           social media, marketing YouTube videos with,
    video blogs, 101                                230-232
    when to use, 101
                                                  Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD, 130
Send Message button, 195
                                                  Sony Vegas Pro, 132-133
    bulletins to subscribers, 193                 special effects, 138
    messages to friends, 195
                                                  speech bubbles, 162
SEO (search engine optimization), 237
                                                  speeches, 33
Set CPC page, 250
                                                  spotlights, 162
sharing videos with subscribers and friends,
  158, 227-228                                    standard definition, 70

shooting videos                                   Stop button, 86
    like a pro, 144
    professional videos                           storyboards, 46-48
        advantages of, 116
        disadvantages of, 117                     studios, shooting professional videos in,
        in studio, 118-119                          118-119
        on location, 119-120
        preparing for professional video shoots,  subscribers
          120-122                                     posting bulletins to, 193
    semi-pro videos                                   sharing videos with, 227-228
        backgrounds, 108
        close-ups, 109                            subscribing to channels, 180-181
        composition, 109-110
        digital video, 106                        success, measuring, 26
        in office, 103-104
        lighting, 107                             Sweetwater Sound, 44
        on location, 104-105
        microphones, 107                          syndication, 173
        movement, 108-109
        resolution, 106                                         T
        rule of thirds, 109-110
        shooting angles, 109                      tags, 6, 157, 239-240
        shooting to edit, 111
        subjects’ clothing and dress, 112-113     targeted content, 225
        teleprompters, 111-112
        tripods, 106                              TelePrompTer, 111
    for smaller screens, 142
    webcam videos, 83                             teleprompters, 111-112
        background noise, 84
        immediacy, 83                             television marketing, co-existing with YouTube,
        lighting, 84                                66
        simplicity, 83-84                             extending and expanding, 67
                                                      repurposing, 67
shooting angles, 109, 121                             starting fresh, 68

shot lists, 111                                   testimonials, 33, 83, 270

Sign Warehouse, 14                                themes for channels, 182-183

simplicity in webcam videos, 83-84                thirds, rule of, 109-110

slideshows, 145                                   thumbnails, 156, 225-227

Snickers Super Bowl ad, 28                        tips
                                                      for better-looking videos, 142
                                                          accentuate contrast, 143
                                                          breaking rules, 146
                                                          hiring professionals, 145
                                                          investing in quality equipment, 143
                                                          look professional, 145
                                                          recycling and editing old videos, 145
                                                          shoot for smaller screens, 142
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