Page 154 - Taming Your Gremlin A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way (Rick Carson)_Neat
P. 154
He was driving a small truck with huge wheels. (I have a wild disdain
for this type of vehicle. They remind me of cockroaches.) The driver was
young, skinny, and ugly. His rear window brandished a gun rack and a rebel
flag decal. I did not love this human.
I had been in my own lane, traveling the speed limit, innocent, thinking
pure and noble thoughts, and minding my own business. In an instant, the
blissful feeling I had relished all morning was kicked aside in favor of a
flash of pure fear, and the fear had hardly settled in before it was sent
tumbling by a passionate urge to maim.
Not only had my life flashed before my eyes, but now my gremlin had
me totally convinced that my manhood was on the line. Miraculous how
fast it had happened. In two or maybe three seconds, I had been transformed
from a mild-mannered, love-filled, benevolent Saint Francis kind of guy
into a pit-bull dog. I wanted to squash that minitruck and chew off the face
of its pea-brained driver. I wanted revenge, dammit. My mind squealed,
“Make him beg for mercy,” and once again the queen bee of gremlin myths