Page 20 - DN Press Final NIQC
P. 20

5S Home

     Platinum Winner                                                                           Kranthi Deshmukh

     Home is where the Heart Is. So why not start at
     Home what you want the Country to be? This was the
     thought in Kranti's mind as she set about sorting
                                                                                               Kranthi Deshmukh
     everything in her already beautiful house. She wanted this to
     be a beautiful Home in which all the family come back to rest in
     safety and security. The entire family got involved in the exercise as
     the Sorting exercise started.

     It soon moved on to Set in Order and room by room, wardrobe by wardrobe
     everything was set in place and slowly the picture of a beautiful home started
     emerging. This made everyone become even more enthusiastic about this change.
     The next step was Shine and slowly all the rooms started glowing with the love and
     attention being given to it.

     There were now rules set in place to standardize the acts done till now. Even the garden was
     set in place beautifully and arranged in such a way to ensure each plant got the right amount
     of sunlight and water. There were clear demarcation of areas where plants needed to be watered
     daily and areas where plants needed only to be watered once in two days etc.

     Soon the efforts were on to make sure all these changes were sustained. All the waste which could
     be put to good use was done so. Compost was created using the green waste which went back to
     making fertilizer for plants. Solar energy was harvested to light up open areas and the garden. The
     RO Purifier water waste was collected to water the plants. Thus there was nothing which was going

     The pictures Kranti shared of her stunning home post 5S proved inspiring to all participants and
     judges who went through the project she submitted. She was easily the winner of the Platinum
     award for 5S implementation at home.

     Kranti was twice blessed therefore one for having got her family together to create this beautiful
     home using the concept of 5S she had learned and second for having got this excellent opportunity
     to collect this award during the DN Business Excellence awards ceremony in October on behalf of
     her family.

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