Page 1 - Triangle Summer 2010 Issue 8
P. 1

                                               ISSUE 8 Summer 2010
         Hearing Dogs for Deaf People receives £10,000

                     from Somerset Mark Master Masons

         On Friday 16  April, 2010 many Mark Masons from Somerset  trips  where  they  can  warn  of  fire  alarms  in  shops,  traffic
         met at the Webbington Hotel to join Provincial Grand Master  crossing signals, oncoming traffic and other everyday hazards.
         David Nelson when he formally presented a cheque for £10,000  The money raised by the Mark Masons of Somerset had already
         to Mrs Marilyn Sydenham from the charity Hearing Dogs for  been forwarded to Mrs Sydenham as a matter of urgency to
         Deaf People. Marilyn presented a photograph of the first dog  prevent any hold-up in their dedicated work. The £10,000 has
         Flynn a Bichon Frise, who will go to a lady in the Yeovil area,  been raised from the generosity of Somerset Mark Masons in
         when he has completed his training.                  less than 8 months.
         Also  present  was  Spice,  a  King  Charles  spaniel  with  her  The  Hearing  Dogs  for  Deaf  People  is  a  little  known  but
         owner Stella. When thanking the Masons for their donation,  remarkable charity, which has caught the imagination, hearts
         Marilyn said that the £10,000 would provide and train two  and minds of us all here in Somerset. This wonderful caring
         dogs for Somerset people. The trained dogs re-open a deaf  charity  is  providing  a  service  to  our  community  and  has
         person’s world by being able to show its owner that all manner  trained over 1,500 dogs since 1982. Many of the Dogs come
         of everyday events are happening. A paw on the arm when the  from rescue centres and they are always matched to their new
         telephone is ringing, two paws when the alarm clock goes off  owners, For more information on hearing dogs please visit:-
         in the morning. The ways in which the dog can draw attention
         to the everyday events we take for granted are endless.   …Barrie Baker.
         The Hearing dogs also accompany their owners on shopping
             What is John Lendon      Annual Mark               A Poet and he              Provincial
         doing now?                  Week-end at                didn’t know it!            Meeting
                See                  Paignton.                  John Griffin,              See page 5.
              page 7.                See page 7.                See page 2.
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