Page 1 - Triangle Spring 2012 Issue 11
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                                                ISSUE 11 Spring 2012

            St. Andrew’s Lodge, three winners, a Keystone and a Candidate

                                                  Having  spent  an  excellent  time  at   by  the  Advancement  of  that  well
                                                  Enmore  Park  Golf  Club,  the  day   known  and  experienced  brother
                                                  was  followed  by  a  Lodge  meeting   Philip  Georgetti.  The  Bowmaker
                                                  at  Bridgwater  Masonic  Hall.  The   Club was donated by Lodge Tyler,
                                                  Travelling  Keystone  was  presented   Alan Dobbins, a former Profession-
                                                  by Peter Layzell, Master of the Isle   al  Golfer,  the  winners  are  shown
                                                  of Wedmore Mark Lodge, followed   below.

             Peter Layzell hands the Travelling Keystone to       The Winners of the Bowmaker Club!
                     W. Master Ray Guthrie           Barry Webster, Roy Wilton and Derek Wilton with  Ray Guthrie looking on
                      Mendip Mark Lodge New Banner                                      New Web Site

         The  Provincial  Garden  Master  and  his  team                               The Provincial web site has been
         visited Mendip Lodge of MMM No 781 on the                                     completely overhauled to give it
         25  October to dedicate a new Lodge Banner.                                   a new look and make it more user
         The  secretary  W.Bro  John  Smith  donated  the                              friendly.
         banner to the Lodge; crafted locally in addition to                           The new home page contains all
         the symbols of the Mark degree the banner bears                               the  latest  news,  there  is  a  new
         images of Wells Cathedral and Glastonbury Tor.                                ‘about  us  ‘  section  and  the  site
         The  Lodge  room  was  packed  to  witness  the                               retains the future events page in
         banner  dedication  with  an  excellent  oration                              addition to Lodge pages for each
         given by W.Bro Richard Chivers the Provincial                                 Mark  and  Royal  Ark  Mariner
         Assistant Grand Chaplain.                                                     Lodge. Using HTML5 means that
         The photo shows a very proud John Smith with                                  printing  pages  is  much  easier,
         the banner he gave to the Lodge, he is flanked by                             what  you  see  is  what  you  get,
         the Provincial Grand Master and the Master of                                 usually! Have a look!
         Mendip Mark Lodge, Roger Reina.                                      
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