Page 15 - Year 10 Course Brochure 2023-2025
P. 15


               OPTION              CORE

               COURSE CONTENT                     This fantastic course covers all the essential Biology, Chemistry and Physics topics
                                                  that students need to know about to make sense of the world around them.
                                                  Students learn seven Biology topics, ten Chemistry topics, and seven Physics topics.
                                                  The Biology topics are cell biology, organisation, infection and response,
                                                  bioenergetics, homeostasis and response, inheritance, variation and evolution, and
                                                  ecology. The Chemistry topics are atomic structure and the periodic table, bonding,
                                                  structure, the properties of matter, quantitative chemistry, chemical changes,
                                                  energy changes, the rate and extent of chemical change, organic chemistry,
                                                  chemical analysis, chemistry of the atmosphere, and using resources. The Physics
                                                  topics are energy, electricity, the particle model of matter, atomic structure, forces,
                                                  waves, and magnetism and electromagnetism. Students carry out required
                                                  practicals throughout the course – seven Biology required practicals, six Chemistry
                                                  required practicals, and eight Physics required practicals – which they are asked
                                                  questions about in their examinations at the end of Year 11. There is a mathematical
                                                  element to this course, and students are expected to be able to carry out a certain
                                                  number of specific calculations by the end of Year 11.

               APPROACH TO TEACHING               All GCSE Combined Science (Trilogy) groups are taught by three highly experienced
               AND LEARNING                       and committed teachers – one Biology specialist teacher, one Chemistry specialist
                                                  teacher and one Physics specialist teacher. During the course, students will
                                                  experience a mixture of practical and theory lessons. Students will not just be
                                                  taught the content that they need to master in order to achieve success in their
                                                  examinations at the end of Year 11, but also the exam technique and revision skills
                                                  required to really show off their ability. Student learning will be linked to real life
                                                  situations wherever possible. Technology will also be used regularly to support
                                                  student learning.

               ASSESSMENT                         Students studying this course sit six written examinations – each 1 hour 15 minutes
                                                  long – at the end of Year 11. Foundation and higher tier papers are available, and
                                                  students must sit either all foundation tier papers or all higher tier papers. At
                                                  Millfield, most GCSE Combined Science (Trilogy) students sit higher tier papers.
                                                  Each paper contains a mixture of different question styles, including multiple-choice
                                                  questions, short-answer questions, calculations and extended open-response
                                                  questions. Each paper is out of 70 marks and is worth 16.7% of the qualification.

               FURTHER INFORMATION                This course provides students with two 9-1 GCSE grades. The grades achieved by
                                                  students are either two grades of the same value, e.g. 7-7, or two grades of
                                                  consecutive values (with the higher of the two grades always being reported first),
                                                  e.g. 7-6.

               EXAM BOARD AND                     AQA GCSE Combined Science (Trilogy) (8464).
               SPECIFICATION                      Specification at a glance:

               CONTACT                            Mrs R Landrigan
                                                  Lead Science Coordinator

                                                                                    YEAR 10/11 COURSE GUIDE         13
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