Page 23 - How to play life to your advantage -print
P. 23
Of course, step 2 is a lot harder to achieve than step 1 because it's very hard for us to
embrace the fact that we have certain personality traits that we don't want to
acknowledge we have because we don't like those things about ourselves. The truth
is you're going to have to get over yourself in order to achieve this goal.
When I think of ways that can help me move beyond myself and get over myself in
order to greatly improve my life, I remind myself to focus on the end goal.
My goal is to live the life of my dreams. To live a life that is meaningful, fulfilling, and
deeply satisfying for me.
I realised very early on that in order for me to really be able to achieve that goal I'm
going to have to swallow some truth about myself that may not be as savory as the
parts of my personality I like to acknowledge openly in my conscious mind.
The good news is that once you start accepting yourself and all of your flaws and all of
the ugly parts of your personality that you do not like. Once you start bringing all those
awful traits or parts of your personality into the light you can see yourself more clearly
and accept those traits as part of who you are.
What's amazing is that once you bring shadow into the light, shadow loses its power.
When we don't know something, when we're not looking at it, when we can't see it, it
can hoodwinked us. It can take over and take control of our lives and wreak havoc in
our world's in ways that we cannot imagine or anticipate.