Page 20 - How to play life to your advantage -print
P. 20

The truth is that if someone else does something that is different to how you would

               do something most of the time you just wouldn't really care how they chose to do

               things. The people that do things that piss you off are people who are doing things

               that represent a part of your own personality that you have rejected within yourself.

               You  get  angry  at  others  that  do  things  because  you  cannot  love  or  accept  those

               attributes about yourself.

               The reality though is that you do those things as well.

               The next time someone pisses you off, take it as an opportunity to step back and ask

               yourself what is it that's happening right now. What is it about this person or what is

               it that they are doing or saying that is really pissing me off? Why does it piss me off?

               A good example for me would be say if someone asks really dumb or trivial questions

               of you when you're trying to get something done. I might feel embarrassed or I might

               cringe at how left a field or unconventional that person's behaviour is or the questions

               that they're asking. The truth is that the reason why it annoys me so much is because

               I sometimes ask dumb questions and I do really cringe worthy things but I don't like

               that about myself.  So then if I see someone else doing something embarrassing or

               stupid then I get annoyed at them because I'm trying to disassociate myself with the

               parts of myself that I don't like.

               You see the problem with shadow is that it's the things that you don't like, the things

               that piss you off or irritate you or annoy you in other people are things that you do

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