Page 15 - How to play life to your advantage -print
P. 15
It wasn’t just the dissatisfaction within myself and around me. It was also my curiosity
about the emotion of fulfilment, the emotion of love, the emotion of really loving and
enjoying life. Self-love.
Here was the beginning of my journey. A deep hole in a seemingly bottomless pit of
Once I started the journey down the rabbit hole of self-discovery, I became obsessed,
leaving no stone unturned.
There is a quote that gets thrown around:
‘life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it’
Most of your life happens in your head. If you play a sport, you’ll know that all sport is
about mind over matter. It is as mentally grueling as it is physical. You need to believe
you can succeed in order to achieve the results you hope for in a contest.
That is what I came to realise as an adult. No one tells you when you are growing up
that your biggest challenge you will ever face in life is the one within your own mind.
The contest you play with yourself on a moment by moment basis every day of your
You are the captain of your ship and if you aren’t at the helm with a competent
navigator you may quickly find all the precious cargo of your life being flung upon