Page 16 - How to play life to your advantage -print
P. 16
jagged rock, until you eventually crack or completely shatter into an oblivion. Who will
you have to blame if that is where you find yourself?
The truth is, even if you don’t blame yourself, no one else cares. Why? Because it is
your life. You are 100% responsible for your life whether you choose to take
responsibility for it or not. And no one is coming to rescue you from yourself.
Until you can really engage with the reality of being completely responsible for your
life, it is futile in continuing further on this road of enquiry.
So how do we take responsibility for our lives? How do we captain our ship? What if
we don’t feel qualified? I know I have often felt unqualified at ‘life’ as a fully-fledged
grown up. What I was really lacking though was not skill, it was confidence. Confidence
in myself. When I say confidence, what I really mean is trust. I didn’t feel a deep sense
of trust and connection within myself, I often looked outward for some sign post that
pointed to my worth as a person rather than generating my value from within.
As a consequence I had spent most of my childhood and early adulthood switching off
from what my emotions and intuition told me and instead found guidance through
some sense of what I was ‘supposed’ to be doing with my life, depending on whatever
external sign post I was relying on at the time.
Effectively what I was doing was choosing to give away my power to others rather than
owning it.