Page 21 - How to play life to your advantage -print
P. 21

yourself. And unless and until you are willing to acknowledge that you do those things

               yourself and confront the fact that you do those things yourself you will be powerless

               in the face of ever managing or getting on top of those annoying habits that you have.

               In fact, if you do not have the courage to confront and bring those annoying parts of

               yourself into the light and accept them you will be living in a state of denial. You will

               continue to display those behaviours unawares to yourself but visible to everyone else

               around you.

               It's funny isn't it that as humans we are so blind to ourselves? And the problem is with

               the people around us is that everyone is too polite to tell us what we are doing that is

               embarrassing or annoying and so we are often left there to flounder in the dark or

               bumble our way through awkward social situations and failed or rejected moments

               trying to then decipher the code of why people turn their backs on us or what we could

               do differently in order to win favour with the people who are important to us in our


               If only someone could just tell us what we're doing honestly so that we could face our

               shadow but there's the thing. If someone else pointed out your shadow to you and

               told you honestly or bluntly to your face what you are or aren't doing that is awkward

               or embarrassing or antisocial or just bizarre you wouldn't respond to it very well would

               you? The reason why you wouldn't respond to it very well is because you're in denial.

               You don't want to admit that you do the things you don't like even when someone

               honestly  tells  you  that  you're  doing  those  things  in  an  effort  to  try  and  help  you

               improve your social standing in your ecosystem.

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