Page 200 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
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          Quarter         Content Standards                   Performance Standards                     Most Essential Learning Competencies            Duration
                                                                               The learner…
                                                                                                relates the source of sound with different body
                     demonstrates understanding  distinguishes accurately the different         e.g. wind, wave, swaying of the trees, animal sounds,
                     of the basic concepts of       sources of sounds heard and be able to                                                               Week 1
                                                                                                or sounds produced by man-made devices or
                     timbre                         produce a variety of timbres                machines.

                                                                                                Produces sounds with different timbre using a variety    Week 2-
                                                                                                of local materials                                          3
             3                                                                                  identifies volume changes from sound samples using
                                                                                                                                                         Week 4
         QUARTER                                                                                the terms loud and soft
                                                                                                relates the concepts of dynamics to the movements of
                     demonstrates understanding  creatively interprets with body                animals                                                  Week 5-
                     of the basic concepts of       movements the dynamic levels to enhance  e.g. big animals/movement = loud; small                        6
                     dynamics                       poetry, chants, drama, and musical stories   animals/movement = soft
                                                                                                applies the concept of dynamic levels to enhance         Week 7-
                                                                                                poetry, chants, songs, drama or musical stories
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