Page 201 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 201


           Quarter         Content Standards                 Performance Standards                      Most Essential Learning Competencies            Duration
                                                                               The learner…
                                                                                               demonstrates the basic concepts of tempo through          Week 1
                                                                                               movements (fast or slow)
                                                    performs with accuracy varied tempi        uses body movements or dance steps to respond to          Week 2
                                                    through movements or dance steps to        varied tempo
                      understanding of the basic
                                                    enhance poetry, chants, drama, and         - slow movement with slow music
                      concepts of tempo
                                                    musical stories                                     - fast movement with fast music
                                                                                               uses varied tempo to enhance poetry, chants, drama,       Week 3
             4                                                                                 and musical stories
          QUARTER                                                                              demonstrates awareness of texture by identifying          Week 4-
                                                                                               sounds that are solo or with other sounds.                   6
                                                                                               distinguishes single musical line and multiple musical    Week 4-
                                                    sings songs to involve oneself and         lines which occur simultaneously in a given song             6
                      understanding of the basic    experience the concept of texture
                      concepts of texture                                                      sings two-part round songs                                Week 7-
                                                                                               e.g.                                                         8
                                                                                               Are You Sleeping, Brother John?
                                                                                               Row, Row, Row Your Boat

        Grade Level:   Grade 2
        Subject:       Music

          Quarter          Content Standards                  Performance Standards                     Most Essential Learning Competencies            Duration
                                                                               The learner…
                                                                                                relates visual images to sound and silence using         Week 1
                     demonstrates basic                                                         quarter note      , beamed eighth notes     and
                     understanding of sound,
                                                      responds appropriately to the pulse of
                     silence and rhythmic patterns    sounds heard and performs with            quarter rest   in a rhythmic pattern
             1       and develops musical                                                       maintains a steady beat when replicating a simple        Week 2
         QUARTER   awareness while performing         accuracy the rhythmic patterns in         series of rhythmic patterns (e.g. echo clapping,
                                                      expressing oneself
                     the fundamental processes in                                               walking, tapping, chanting, and playing musical

                     music                                                                      instruments)
                                                                                                reads stick notations in rhythmic patterns with          Week 3-
                                                                                                measures of 2s, 3s and 4s                                   4
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