Page 203 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 203


                     demonstrates understanding      voice, body, and objects, and be able to   identifies the common musical instruments by their       Week 2
                     of the basic concepts of        sing in accurate pitch                     sounds and image
                     timbre                                                                     recognizes the difference between speaking and           Week 2
                                                                                                performs songs with appropriate vocal or sound           Week 3-
                                                                                                quality (from available instruments)                        4
                                                                                                distinguishes the dynamics of a song or music sample     Week 5
                     demonstrates understanding      creatively applies changes in dynamics to  uses the words “loud”, “louder”, “soft” and “softer” to   Week 5
                     of the basic concepts of        enhance rhymes, chants, drama, and         identify variations in volume
                     dynamics                        musical stories                            Performs songs with appropriate dynamics                 Week 6-

           Quarter         Content Standards                 Performance Standards                      Most Essential Learning Competencies            Duration
                                                                                The learner…
                                                                                               follows the correct tempo of a song including tempo       Week 1-
                      demonstrates                                                             changes                                                      2
                                                     uses varied tempo to enhance rhymes,
                      understanding of the basic
                                                     chants, drama, and musical stories
                      concepts of tempo                                                        distinguishes “slow,” “slower,” “fast,” and “faster” in   Week 1-
                                                                                               recorded music                                               2
                                                                                               identifies musical texture with recorded music            Week 3-
             4                                                                                      - melody with solo instrument or voice                  4
          QUARTER                                                                                   - single melody with accompaniment
                                                     distinguishes accurately between single
                      demonstrates                                                                  - two or more melodies sung or played together at
                                                     musical line and multiple musical lines
                      understanding of the basic                                               the same time
                                                     which occur simultaneously in a given
                      concepts of texture                                                      distinguishes between single musical line and multiple    Week 5-
                                                                                               musical lines which occur simultaneously                     6
                                                                                               distinguishes between thinness and thickness of           Week 7-
                                                                                               musical sound in recorded or performed music                 8
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