Page 208 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 208
concepts pertaining to
volume in music
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
The learner…
demonstrates creates and performs body movements uses appropriate musical terms to indicate variations in Week 1
understanding of appropriate to a given tempo tempo
concepts pertaining to creates and performs body movements 1. largo
speed/flow of music appropriate to a given tempo 2. presto
understanding of
pertaining to
speed/flow of music
demonstrates identifies aurally and visually an ostinato or descant in a Week 2
understanding of sings two-part rounds and partner songs music sample
concepts pertaining to with others recognizes solo or 2-part vocal or instrumental music Week 3
texture in music
identifies harmonic intervals (2 pitches) in visual and Week 4
demonstrates performs examples of harmonic interval auditory music samples
understanding of writes samples of harmonic intervals (2 pitches) Week 5
with others
harmonic intervals performs a song with harmonic intervals (2pitches) Week 6-