Page 209 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 209
Grade Level: Grade 5
Subject: Music
Quarter Content Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
The learner…
identifies the kinds of notes and rests in a song Week 1
recognizes rhythmic patterns using quarter note, half note, Week 2
recognizes the dotted half note, dotted quarter note, and eighth note in
musical symbols performs with a conductor, a speech chorus in
simple time signatures
and demonstrates simple time signatures
1 identifies accurately the duration of notes and rests in Week 3-
understanding of 1. choral 2 3 4
QUARTER time signatures 5
concepts 2. instrumental 4, 4, 4
pertaining to
creates different rhythmic patterns using notes and rests in Week 6-
time signatures 8
Quarter Content Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
The learner…
recognizes the meaning and uses of F-Clef on the staff Week 1
recognizes the identifies the pitch names of each line and space on the F- Week 1
musical symbols Clef staff
and demonstrates accurate performance of songs following the describes the use of the symbols: sharp (# ), flat (♭), and Week 2
understanding of musical symbols pertaining to melody indicated natural (♮)
concepts in the piece recognizes aurally and visually, examples of melodic Week 3
pertaining to intervals
melody identifies the notes in the C major scale Week 4
determines the range of a musical example Week 5
1. wide
2. narrow