Page 205 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 205


                     basic concepts of       basic concepts of musical lines, beginnings,   - similar
                     musical form            endings and repeats                           - same
                                                                                           - different
                                                                                           performs songs with accurate pitch from beginning to end      Week 6-
                                                                                           including repetitions                                            8

          Quarter      Content Standards               Performance Standards                         Most Essential Learning Competencies               Duration
                                                                               The learner…
                                             applies vocal techniques in singing to        recognizes musical instruments through sound                  Week 1
                                             produce a pleasing vocal quality:             uses the voice and other sources of sound to produce a        Week 2
                     understanding of the    1. using head tones                           variety of timbres
                     basic concepts of
                                             2. employing proper breathing
                                             3. using the diaphragm
             3       demonstrates                                                          distinguishes “loud,” “medium,” and “soft” in music           Week 3
         QUARTER   understanding of the                                                    responds to conducting gestures of the teacher for  “loud”    Week 6
                     basic concepts of       sings songs with proper dynamics following    and “soft”
                     dynamics in order to                                                  applies varied dynamics to enhance poetry, chants, drama,     Week 7-
                     respond to                                                            songs and musical stories                                        8
                     conducting gestures

          Quarter      Content Standards               Performance Standards                         Most Essential Learning Competencies               Duration
                                                                               The learner…
                     demonstrates            enhances performance of poetry, chants,       applies correct tempo and tempo changes by following basic    Week 1
                     understanding of the    drama, musical stories, and songs by using a  conducting gestures
                     concepts of tempo in    variety of tempo                              distinguishes among fast, moderate, and slow in music         Week 2
                     order to respond to                                                   performs songs with appropriate tempo (use songs from the  Week 3-
                     conducting symbols                                                    locality)                                                        4
                     indicating variations
                     in tempo
                     demonstrates            sings:                                        distinguishes between thinness and thickness of musical       Week 5-
                     understanding of the    1. “two-part rounds”                          sound                                                            6
                     basic concepts of       2. “partner songs”                            demonstrates the concept of texture by singing “partner       Week 7-
                     texture                                                               songs” (local or foreign song samples)                           8
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