Page 491 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 491


         Quarter             Content Standards                      Performance Standards                  Most Essential Learning competencies         Duration

                        The learners demonstrate an                The learners are able to…                           The learner…
                             understanding of…
                   3. Preparation of trial balance                                                    prepares the Statement of Cost of Goods Sold
                   4. Adjusting entries to include pre                                                and Gross Profit
                      payments, accrual and deferral
                   5. Worksheet preparation, and
                   6. Completing the accounting cycle of
                      a merchandising business

        Grade Level:   Grade 12
        Subject:       Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 2

         Quarter               Content Standards                          Performance Standards                Most Essential Learning competencies      Duration

                           The learners demonstrate an                   The learners are able to…                         The learner…
                                understanding of…
            1      account titles under the assets, liabilities,   solve exercises and problems that require   identify the elements of the SFP and      Week 1
         Quarter  and capital accounts of the Statement of      preparation of an SFP for a single           describe each of them
                   Financial Position, namely, cash,            proprietorship with proper classification of   prepare an SFP using the report form and
                   receivables, inventories, prepaid expenses,  accounts as current and noncurrent using     the account form with proper
                   property, plant and equipment, payables,     the report form and the account form         classification of items as current and
                   accrued expenses, unearned   income,                                                      noncurrent
                   long-term liabilities and capital that will
                   equip him/her in the  preparation  of  the
                   SFP  using  the report form and account
                   the service income and operating expenses  solve exercises and problems that require      identify the elements of the SCI and        Week 2
                   of a service business as well as sales, contra  preparation  of  SCI  for  a service business   describe each of these items for a service   to 3
                   sales, purchases, contra purchase accounts,  and a merchandising business                 business and a merchandising business
                   cost of  goods sold and  general                                                          prepare an SCI for a service business
                   administrative and selling expenses of a                                                  using the single-step approach
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