Page 495 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 495
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
selecting, and *Examine the functions and importance of compensation, wages and Week
training employees performance evaluation, appraisal, reward system, employee relations 11-12
and movement
demonstrate knowledge in
how motivation, motivation, leadership, and *Analyze motivation,leadership, and communication work in an Week 13
leadership, and communication by solving organization
communication work business cases
in an organization
apply appropriate control *Apply the concept and nature of different control methods and Week 14
different controlling measures for a specific techniques in accounting and marketing
methods and business situation
the different select one’s area of interest Explain the nature and role in the firm of the Week 15
functional for future career path following functional areas of management:
areas of management
a. Human Resource Management
b. Marketing Management
c. Operations Management
d. Financial Management
e. Material and Procurement Management
f. Office Management
g. Information & Communication Technology
the basic concepts of initiate an appropriate small- Explain the steps and importance of starting a family business Week 16