Page 494 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
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         Quarter     Content Standards          Performance Standards                          Most Essential Learning Competencies                     Duration

                    the role of business in  analyze the various               *Analyze various forces/elements influencing  local and international    Week 3
                    the environment, and  environmental forces affecting       business environment using PEST and SWOT strategies
                    how the environment  the firm and summarize these
                    affects the firm       using Political Economic Social     *Analyze the forms and economic roles of business organizations
                                           and Technological Analysis                                                                                   Week 4
                                           PEST) and Strengths,
                                           Weaknesses, Opportunities           *Differentiate the phases of economic development and its impact to
                                           and Threats (SWOT) Analysis         business environment                                                     Week 4

                                                                               *Discuss the nature and levels of planning and  types of plans            Week 5
                    the importance of      formulate effective plans for a
                    planning concepts in   specific business endeavor
                    business success                                           *Apply appropriate planning techniques and tools in business decision-    Week 6

                                                                               *Analyze the nature of organizations and types of organization            Week 7
            2nd     the significance of    design an appropriate
          Quarter  organization            organization structure for a        *Apply organization theories for effective business management           Week 8
                    structures             specific business
                    for effective business

                    the process of         conduct and prepare job             * Discuss the concept and nature of staffing                             Week 9
                    recruiting,            analysis
                                                                               *Analyze the process of recruiting, selecting and training employess     Week 10
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