Page 184 - English for Front Office
P. 184
do the needful
Check comments on • Explain the late departures
system for late charges, only when necessary
departure charges and applicable
• Check if applicable, according
to reservation system
Guide lines to be • Normal Check Out Time:
followed for late check 12:00 Noon
out • Late Check Out till 14:00 Hrs:
Without any charges
• Late Check Out till 18:00 Hrs :
Half Day of Room Rate
• Late Check Out after 18:00 Hrs
: Full Day charge
Authorization for late • Late check out has to be
check out authorised by the duty manager
or any authorised signatory
Task 4
Work in pair (Student A and B). Explain your text to the other.
Task 5
Answer the following questions
(Student A).
1. What documents and information should be collected
from guests during the check-out process, and how is this
information typically managed?
2. Can you outline the steps involved in a standard hotel
check-out process, from the guest's perspective?
3. What are some common challenges that may arise during
the check-out process, and how can they be effectively