Page 32 - Failure to Triumph - Journey of A Student
P. 32

you become something, then there is a lot of hard work, dedication
                and discipline behind it. But you never think twice before speaking ill
                about your teacher.

                The truth is that you can never repay your teachers for what they
                develop in you, for what they teach you. A person’s greatness is
                equivalent to the amount of respect he has for his teacher. Many a
                time you may also think that ‘when so much is available for free, why
                spend money?’ If you get access to paid education materials and
                use it for your preparation, the single word which defines your act is
                nothing but- piracy. Pirating classroom materials and test preparation

                materials is not an ethical act.

                People undervalue things that they get for free. If you receive
                knowledge without paying for it then you don’t give it any value or
                importance. For example, if a doctor prescribes us a medicine for

                free, we tend to think that it will not work. But for the same
                prescription if he charges Rs 500, then we realize its value and take
                the medicines without fail.

                Actually, it is not about spending money. The fact is- if we spend
                money on anything, we have this feeling that something is at stake
                and when we put something at stake, then our mind does not allow

                us to feel lazy, because there is always a fear of losing what is at
                stake. This fear increases our concentration and productivity.
                You also put something at stake and then see the changes it brings
                into your life.

                A lot of times we think about not bothering our parents for money.

                Many a time asking money from parents appears to be something
                beneath our dignity. What you must understand is that if by taking
                their money, you can become successful, get a job and achieve your
                targets then there is no reason to feel ashamed about it. You have to
                become successful to do something for them and convey your love,
                respect and gratitude for all that they have done.
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