Page 73 - 전시가이드 2021년 08월 이북
P. 73

전시  보도자료는  문의 010-6313-2747 (이문자 편집장)

                 마르쿠스 아우렐리우스 / Marcus Aurelius, gold/  부조리의 연기 속에서  / In a fumes of absurdity – this   Longinus Podbipiçta
                           classic,  (67x68) / 30 x 40 cm  is how I perceive the world,   silver/classic,  (65x90) / 30 x 40 cm
                                                       silver/classic, (65x90) / 40x30cm

            카롤리나 오스타셰프스카는 귀족 초상화를 통해 수세기 동안 유럽 문화가 형        intensifies the focus.
            성되던 지나간 세상으로 우리를 안내한다. 1793년 그녀가 겪을 비극적 운명      Just look at the portrait of a man puffing. With closed eyes and with
            을 모른 채 캐주얼한 포즈로 눈웃음을 짓고 있는 어린 마리 앙투아네트의 이       the trail of smoke he tries to answer the question – who are we?
            미지와 아름답고 섬세한 무명 귀족 프랑스 부인의 이미지는 완전히 다르다. 동      Although unable to answer, he buys time or might think it over with
            시에 우리는 헨릭 시엔키에비츠의 3부 대작(Trilogy) 서사의 중요 배경인 17세  his  negligent  condescension.  In  some  sketches  we  find  nothing
            기 폴란드로 이동하기도 한다. 특징적인 팔자 콧수염, 실제로 바람에 날리는       more than slight confusion if not concern – maybe they know some-
            것 처럼 보이는 해칭 기법으로 완성시킨 털모자, 선량한 얼굴, 이 모든 것이 먼    thing we do not? Nothing seems to be more classical than the face
            옛날 폴란드인들의 특징이었다.                                of Marcus Aurelius – the emperor philosopher who had to share his
            카롤리나 오스타셰프스카는 한국 대중들에게 예술적인 유럽을 보여준다. 그         life between thinking about our fate and fighting against those who
            녀가 말했듯이 고전적인 인물 초상화는 크지 않아야 하며 배경, 프레임과 조       attempted to ruin his world. Looking at the space he tries to find
            화를 이루어야 합한. 그렇지 않으면 그 효과를 잃게 되는데 작품들이 어디에       some support but there is nowhere it
            전시되든, 어떻게 선보여지든 모두가 이해할 수 있어야 한다. 이 전시를 통       might come from. He is completely alone with his thoughts and, like
            해 카롤리나 오스타셰프스카는 깊은 지식을 발산하고, 그녀의 개성 있는 작        today, they do not command a good price.
            품을 통해 다른 이들의 마음과 정신에 영향을 미치는 성숙한 예술가의 모습        Presenting aristocratic portraits, Karolina Ostaszewska allows us to
            을 드러낼 것이다.                                      enter the world that has passed away, which has been left behind in
                                                            the centuries which shaped European culture. How different is the
            How to read a portrait? At first glance it is just a figure depicting   image of the noble-unknown French Madame with her beautiful,
            a face and seems nothing more. However, a true portrait always   delicate if not to say artistic face from that of young Marie-Antoi-
            draws us deeper into the heart of the figure, invites us to under-  nette whose smiling eyes and casual pose do not reveal the tragic
            stand  its  mood,  feelings  and  temper.  It  speaks  through  its  eyes   fate she would face in 1793. Simultaneously we move to the world
            and facial expression. Even a stony face can transmit some mes-  of 17th century Poland – the epic figures from Henryk Sienkiewicz
            sage like – superiority, reservation, respect or pathos. Something   Trilogy. Characteristic walrus moustache, furry caps achieved by
            extraordinary always leaves a spectator with an after-image, so do   meticulous hatching almost arousing the image that they would be
            the faces we see at this exhibition.            winnowed by the wind, and good-natured faces – all of them were
            The portraits include some figures from classical European his-  indissoluble features of Poles in that long and distant past, our Pol-
            tory, some from literature and some depicted by very well-known   ish ancestors actually.
            painters like Johannes Vermer and Leonardo da Vinci. But it is the   Karolina Ostaszewska offers a piece of artistic Europe to the Ko-
            artist’s individual vision which brings out particular features. It is   rean public. Classical portraits should not be big – as she used to
            impossible not to stop for a moment and look at eyes, impossible   say – they should be balanced and play with background and frame.
            not to stare, not to gaze with the hope to understand what the fig-  Otherwise they lose their effect. They should be understandable ev-
            ure thinks or wants to say. Undoubtedly the effect is achieved by   erywhere no matter where presented. They should bring joy and
            technique – a simple but an eyecatching one. The artist uses just   reflection which are the focal points of being human. Through this
            pencil, crayon and sometimes fusain, so the portraits remain black   exhibition, Karolina Ostaszewska reveals herself as a mature artist
            and white, peerlessly sparking the mood of the eye-dialogue. This   who emanates profound knowledge and, through her uniqueness,
            allows to achieve a game of shadows and tonal gradation. Blackish   impacts hearts and minds.
            background is an important additive through which the author only   We hope you will thoroughly enjoy the exhibition.

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