Page 11 - 2022 Clarins Benefit Guide
P. 11

                Health Savings Account

                 A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a pre-tax benefit account that works like a combination of
                 an FSA and a 401(k). If you are eligible for the HSA, you may:
                        •   Contribute on a pretax basis
                        •   Pay for everyday healthcare expenses throughout the year
                        •   Save for future healthcare expenses

                If you elect the HSA medical plan in 2022, Clarins will also make quarterly contributions to
                your account (totaling up to $500 for single coverage and $1,000 for family coverage over the
                course of the year).

                                        Health Savings Account (HSA) Funding
                                Applicable to Health Savings Account Plan Members
                                                            Individual                     Family
               Clarins Funding Amount                          $500                        $1,000

               2022 IRS Contribution Limits                   $3,650                       $7,300
               (Clarins + employee)
               2022 IRS Contribution Limits for Age
               55 or older                                    $4,650                       $8,300
               (including "catch up contribution“)

                                            HSA Eligibility Requirements:
             Your HSA Belongs
                     to You:                To be eligible to open and contribute into an HSA:
                                                • You must be enrolled in an IRS-qualified high-deductible
              Unlike the FSA, if you               medical plan (such as Clarins’ Health Savings Account
              leave Clarins or change              medical plan)
              health plans, your HSA            • You cannot have any other health coverage which is not also a
              dollars go with you.                 qualified high-deductible plan
              Plus, any unspent                 • You cannot be claimed as a dependent on another person’s tax
              dollars in the account at            return
              the end of the plan year          • Must not be enrolled in Medicare (A, B or D), TRICARE, or a Full
              will roll over and stay in           Purpose FSA (including a spouse’s Full Purpose FSA)
              your account, so you
              can use them on future
              qualifying expenses at
              any time!                           Important Note: If you contribute to a health care FSA, you are
                                                  not eligible to contribute to an HSA.

                 To learn more                    If you would like to start contributing to an HSA, you must close
                about qualifying                  out your health care FSA first. Your FSA must have a balance of
               health expenses,                   $0 in order to contribute to an HSA.
                   view IRS
                Publication 502
                  on the IRS

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