Page 12 - 2022 Clarins Benefit Guide
P. 12


            Health Care FSA and HSA Key Differences

                                                                       Annual IRS
      Account       Expenses         Examples of       Ownership      Contribution     Availability     Forfeiture of
       Type        (defined by        Expenses                           Limits         of Funds            Funds

                   Most medical,      Deductibles,
       Health       dental and       copayments,
        Care                                                            Maximum         Full amount    FSA funds will be
      Flexible      vision care    coinsurance, over                  contribution is   available for   forfeited if not used
                   expenses that
                                      the counter
     Spending     are not covered    medications,       Employer     $2,750* per plan      use        within the year or if
      Account      by your health     orthodontia,                         year        immediately     you leave Clarins
                       plan           eyeglasses

                   Most medical,     copayments,                                                        HSA funds are
                    dental and                                        $3,650* single /
       Health                        coinsurance,                                      Available as   owned by you, they
      Savings       vision care    doctor-prescribed                  $7,300* family     funds are     can be rolled over
                   expenses that
      Account     are not covered   over the counter    Employee       $1,000 if age   deposited into   year-to-year and will
       (HSA)                         medications,                                        account      remain yours if you
                   by your health     orthodontia,                         55+)                          leave Clarins
     *Subject to change by the IRS
                                                                                   If you are an HSA plan member, Clarins will
                                                                                    contribute quarterly installments to your
                                                                                     account (totaling up to $500/single and
    Both FSAs and HSAs Help You Save on Taxes                                     $1,000/family in 2022). Please note that your
                                                                                    combined employee and employer HSA
             Account Type             With FSA or HSA   Without FSA or HSA        contribution may not exceed annual limits set
                                                                                           forth by IRS regulation.
    Your Taxable Income                   $50,000             $50,000

    Pretax Contribution to HSA or FSA      $2,000               $0

    Federal and Social Security Taxes     $11,701             $12,355

    After-tax Dollars Spent on Eligible      $0               $2,000
    Spendable Income After Expenses       $36,299             $35,645
    and taxes

    Tax Savings with the FSA or HSA         $654                N/A

   This is an example only, may not reflect your actual experience. It assumes a 25% federal income tax
   rate marginal rate and a 7.7% FICA marginal rate. State and local taxes vary, and are not included in
   this example. However, you will save on any state and local taxes as well.

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