Page 17 - 2022 DPR Construction Benefit Guide_Administrative Employees
P. 17

Dental Plan Options

        Your dental health is an important part of your overall wellness. Dental insurance gives you a reason to smile — it covers
        preventive care (including regular cleanings and preventive exams), as well as fillings, bridges, crowns and orthodontia
        services. There are two Cigna dental plans available:
        DPPO Dental Plan

        With the PPO dental plan, you may visit any dentist of your choice. Keep in mind, you’ll receive the highest coverage when you
        use an in-network provider. If you visit an out-of-network provider, you will not benefit from discounted rates and will pay more
        out-of-pocket for services. Visit for provider directory.

        DHMO Dental Plan

        With the DHMO dental plan, you select a primary dentist who will coordinate your dental care needs, including referrals
        to specialists. You typically pay a copay for qualified dental services (refer to the benefit schedule). The DHMO plan offers
        in-network coverage only. If you visit a provider outside of the plan’s network, you will be responsible for the full cost of services.

        Note: DPPO and DHMO are on different networks with the DPPO having a far greater network. Be sure to check if your preferred
        dental provider is in either or both of the Cigna networks.
                                                            DPPO PLAN                            DHMO PLAN
                                                 IN-NETWORK             OUT-OF-NETWORK*            IN-NETWORK
         Individual                                 $50                      $75                       $0

         Family                                     $150                     $225                      $0
         Per Individual                                   $2,000 per individual                     Unlimited

                                                               YOU PAY                               YOU PAY
         Exams, Cleanings, X-rays,
         Fluoride Treatments                      No Charge                No Charge          $0 (two per calendar year)
         Fillings, Space Maintainers,
         Sealants, Extractions, Oral Surgery,                                                   Various copays apply.
         Endodontics, Periodontics,                20%**                    20%**             See Schedule of Benefits.
         Emergency Exams

         Crowns, Inlays/Onlays, Dentures and       50%**                    50%**               Various copays apply.
         Bridgework, Repairs                                                                  See Schedule of Benefits.

         24-Month Treatment Fee – Additional fees may apply for pre-ortho visits and treatment, banding, records and retention
                                                   50% up to a lifetime maximum benefit of      Various copays apply.
         Adults and Children
                                                   $2,500 per individual; deductible waived   See Schedule of Benefits.
         *  Out-of-network reimbursement is based on the 90th percentile of all provider charges in the geographic area. You are responsible for charges above
          that amount.
         ** Deductible applies.

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