Page 5 - Rubrik 2022 FAQ
P. 5

2022 U.S. Benefits Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

        Q.  How can I be reimbursed for my eligible expenses? .............................................................. 19
        Q.  Will any FSA funds roll over at the end of the year? ............................................................... 19

        Q.  Are Dependent Care FSAs for my spouse’s and children’s health care expenses? ................................ 19
        Q.  If I have a recurring expense for my child care, do I need to submit a claim every month? ........................ 19
        Q.  Can I participate in the Health Care FSA if I am also enrolled in the HDHP? ....................................... 19

        Commuter Benefits – Transit and Parking Elections .................................20

        Q.  What is the process for enrolling in the Commuter Programs?....................................................20
        Q.  Will I be able to order my commuter passes through the Commuter Program?...................................20
        Q.  What are my reimbursement options?............................................................................20
        Q.  Does Edenred Benefits offer Direct Pay Parking to my parking garage? ...........................................20
        Q.  Is Uber or Lyft eligible under the Transit benefit?..................................................................20
        Q:  What happens to the transit balance on my Edenred Benefits Card at the end of the benefit month?.............20
        Q.  I ride my bike to work. Does Rubrik provide a subsidy to bicyclists?............................................... 21
        Q.  What is the difference between Edenred and other commuting options provided at HQ? ........................ 21

        Leave of Absence ................................................................ 21

        Q.  When and how should I report a Leave of Absence (LOA)? ....................................................... 21
        Q.  How do I contact TRISTAR (Rubrik’s Leave of Absence Administrator)? ........................................... 21

        Wellness Reimbursement ......................................................... 21

        Q.  What is Rubrik’s Wellness Reimbursement program?............................................................. 21
        Q.  How do I contact Forma? ......................................................................................... 21
        Q.  What items are considered eligible under the Wellness program policy?......................................... 21

        Financial Wellness ............................................................... 22

        Q.  What is BrightPlan?...............................................................................................22
        Q.  How can BrightPlan help me? ....................................................................................22
        Q.  Do I need to pay for BrightPlan? ..................................................................................22

        On‑Demand Emotional Support ................................................... 22

        Q.  What is Ginger?...................................................................................................22
        Q.  Who can I reach out to with questions about Ginger?  ............................................................22
        Q.  What is coaching? ................................................................................................22
        Q.  How do I schedule an appointment with a coach? ................................................................23
        Q.  Can I meet with a therapist or psychiatrist through Ginger? .......................................................23
        Q.  How do I schedule an appointment with a therapist or psychiatrist? ..............................................23

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