Page 7 - Rubrik 2022 FAQ
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2022 U.S. Benefits Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Open Enrollment
Q. What is Open Enrollment (OE)?
A. Your annual opportunity to make additions or changes to your benefit plan elections without a qualifying
life event.
Q. When is Open Enrollment (OE)?
A. Open Enrollment occurs each year around November, with benefit changes to be effective on the first day
of the new Plan Year (January 1st). The 2022 Plan Year Open Enrollment runs from Monday, November 8,
2021 – Friday, November 19, 2021. Open Enrollment is passive this year, meaning your current 2021 elections
automatically roll over into the new year (with the exception of FSAs which require active re‑enrollment).
Q. What is changing in 2022?
A. All of the plan types and coverage levels will remain the same. However, there are a few changes worth
noting for the new year.
The following changes will be effective January 1, 2022:
Medical Plans
w The PPO and HDHP medical plans will continue with the same benefits and same UnitedHealthcare
(UHC) network, however, benefits will be administered by UMR. Prescription drugs will be covered
through OptumRx.
w Existing UnitedHealthcare Prior Authorizations (PA) and existing mail order prescriptions that are not set
to expire at the end of the year will automatically be transferred to the UMR plans in 2022. No action is
required by you.
w Everyone enrolled in the HDHP or PPO will receive new ID cards through UMR, with new medical and
Rx ID numbers. Be sure to update this information with your providers and pharmacies.
w The Kaiser HMO specialty drug maximum cost share is increasing from $200 to $250.
w Medical costs increased so your corresponding contribution is changing slightly
(no more than 3% or $6 per paycheck).
Health Savings Account:
w For 2022, the annual HSA contribution limit is increasing to $3,650 if you enroll only yourself or $7,300
if you enroll with dependents. Contribution limits include both your personal contributions and
contributions funded by Rubrik, which will continue with $33.33 per pay period for those with self‑only
coverage or $66.66 per pay period for those with dependent coverage.
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
w With the CARES Act, there is no limit to FSA rollovers. All remaining 2021 balances (minimum $10) for
Healthcare, Limited Purpose, and Day Care FSA accounts will rollover into the 2022 plan year, even if
you do not make a new election.
w The 2022 annual limit for Day Care FSA elections will return to $5,000. The $10,500 limit was for 2021
only as part of CARES Act relief.
Life/Disability Plans:
w If you are currently enrolled in Optional Life Insurance, you can increase your coverage by two
increments, up to the Guarantee Issue amount, during Open Enrollment, without Evidence of
Insurability (EOI). However, if EOI is required, you must submit EOI by 12/1/21 for the 2022 Plan Year
Open Enrollment.
‑ Employee coverage: Increase by $10k or $20k up to GI of $250k without EOI
‑ Spouse coverage: Increase by $5k or $10k up to the GI amount of $50k without EOI
‑ Any amounts above those stated will require EOI, which is a health
7 statement form to be submitted to Lincoln Financial.