Page 1 - Mid Valley Times 6-3-21 E-edition
P. 1

Thursday, June 3, 2021
   Vol. 2, No. 48
Graduation celebrations
50 cents
Coronavirus Update— State Set To Fully Reopen June 15
Region stuck in neutral (orange)
By Jon Earnest
Mid Valley Times
Fresno and Tulare coun- ties along with the rest of the Central Valley will remain in the orange (moderate) tier for coronavirus positive cases until California officially "re- opens" for business on Tues- day, June 15.
The June 1 updated reports for each county showed no pending color change, as num- bers remained relatively low but not low enough to qualify for the yellow (minimal) tier of positive cases within two weeks. Still, many of the re- strictions the Valley has been under since the COVID-19 pandemic initially soared in March 2020 have been lifted.
And the main restriction lifted is expected to come on June 15, when the state is ex- pected to formally fully open the economy by allowing full capacity for indoor businesses and functions. Since improv- ing to the orange tier, Fresno and Tulare counties have been able to resume indoor dining and access to businesses, al- though they still remain at a limited 50 percent capacity.
Both Fresno and Tulare counties are not near dropping below the two new positive CO- VID cases per 100,000 popula- tion per day that needs to be
SeeCOVIDonpage A18
    MVT Staff Report
Graduation ceremonies took place at three regional high schools last week. Remaining ceremonies will take place the next two weeks.
TOP: Fireworks flashed over Reedley High's graduation on May 28.
Danny Jimenez / Photo Contributed
ABOVE: Dinuba High School graduates sat and listened during the May 27
commencement at the Dinuba High stadium.
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
LEFT: Graduate Winston Williams celebrated before the walk-in at Immanuel High School's commencement May 26 at County Line Stadium.
Kirk Kawagoe / Photo Contributed
By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
The Reedley Police De- partment held a press con- ference on the afternoon of June 1 to ask anyone with information to come for- ward regarding a vandalism at the Kings Canyon Unifed School District Office.
“On Friday, May 21, the Reedley Police Department responded to a report of a vandalism,” said Joe Garza,
See VANDALISM on page A5
Sanger boys soccer bags another section title
  The Sanger Apache boys remain kings of the Central Section Division II in soccer.
The top-seeded defend- ing Northern California re- gional champion Apaches battled with No. 2 seed Tulare Union through regulation, two 10-minute overtimes and nearly two 5-minute sudden death overtimes before scor- ing on a penalty shot for a 3-2 victory at Tom Flores Stadium on May 28.
The Apaches (20-1-1) moved to the Southern Cali- fornia Regional bracket this year, and are slated for two poissible home matches this week. For more details on the win, see Sports on page A11.
Jon Earnest / Mid Valley Times
The Sanger High boys soccer team and coaching staff celebrated with the Central Section Division III championship plaque in a group shot after a 3-2 overtime victory over Tulare Union on May 28.
   Classifieds - A9 Directory - A6
Legals - A10, A-12-14 Sports - A11
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