Page 26 - Towards better compaction v0.5
P. 26
Towards Better Compaction
Tasmanian weather can change quickly and make working conditions difficult.
1. Sun – Heat/exhaustion can occur after exposure to high temperatures over a short time.
Symptoms include confusion, dizziness, fainting, headache, cramps, pale skin, sweating
and a rapid heartbeat.
Treatments include drinking plenty of fluids, remove any unnecessary clothing, take a cool
bath, remove the affected person from the heat and apply face/cold towels.
Prevention is better than cure. Seek shade on hot days and drink plenty of fluids.
2. Wind – Strong winds can cause the vessel to move away from the pier, blow loose objects
around, create dust and, in extreme cases, blow you off your feet.
3. Rain – Rain can result in slippery deck conditions, especially where woodchips have
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